第9回早稲田大学留学生長野県大岡研修旅行 募集が始まります


長野県長野市大岡は、丘陵性の山々に囲まれた自然豊かな山里です。そば打ちやおやき作りなどの郷土料理や、太鼓や踊りなどの伝統芸能の体験、陶芸や 田植を通して、日本の地方文化に触れてみませんか。農家でのホームスティや地元の学校訪問も予定しています。また、国宝・5重6階の天守を持つ松本城も見 学します。初夏の美しい自然や大岡の人々とのふれあいも楽しんでください。

期間:2012年 5月25日(金)~5月27日(日)


公益財団法人 早稲田奉仕園(担当:樋渡・片岡)
Email: dormitory@hoshien.or.jp
新宿区西早稲田2-3-1  Tel: 03-3205-5408

早稲田大学 国際コミュニティセンター(協力)
財団法人育てる会 大岡ひじり学園(協力)
公益財団法人 早稲田奉仕園(主催)

The 9th Nagano Oh-oka Trip for Waseda University Oversea Students【Guide&Apprication】

Oh-oka in Nagano city is a region richly endowed with abundant natural resources, and is situated near Matsumoto city and Ueda city. You can learn to cook Japanese noodles (soba), make ceramics, plant rice, and learn traditional music.
In addition to these activities, you will stay at a farmhouse and visit the local school and historic buildings such as Matsumoto-Jo Castle that have been designated a national treasure.
By joining this program, you have the opportunity to enjoy breathtaking scenery and develop friendships with people of Oh-oka.

Date : May 25, 26, 27
Attention: Students who participate in the Oh-oka Tour on a class day will not receive attendance for that day.

Fee : ¥7,500
This includes transportation, accommodation, meals (7), activities and tax.

Students interested in this trip have to apply from May 7 to 15.  Please apply at the Dormitory Desk of Waseda Hoshien (Monday to Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m).  You need the application form and application fee (¥2,500).

First night: Oooka-Hijiri-gakuen (Japanese style large room)
Second night: Home stay

■Further Information
Contact at Waseda Hoshien (Ms. Hiwatari, Mr. Kataoka)
2-3-1 Nishiwaseda, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 169-8616
Phone: 03-3205-5408 / email: dormitory@hoshien.or.jp

■Organizer and Support
Waseda Unv. International Community Center (Support)
Oh-oka Hijiri-gakuen Sodateru-kai, the society for bringing up children (Support)
Nagano City Board of Education (Support)
Waseda Hoshien (Organizer)
