Network Waseda: Sunday Free Consultation of Waseda

waseda translation2014.7案内(日英) Waseda Network Monthly Consultation flyer (MYA)

早稲田奉仕園を会場に行われている「ネットワーク早稲田」の活動の紹介です。国連難民高等弁務官事務所(UNHCR)NPO法人東京労働安全衛生センター(Tokyo Occupational Safety&Health Center)と早稲田奉仕園も協働しています。


仕事や生活で問題を抱えていたら日曜無料相談会へ。心 配 … 困っているときには、悩みをまず相談してみましょう
Sunday Free Consultation at WASEDA by Network Waseda

If you have some problems with your work or daily life, you should come to our Free Consultation on Sunday, carried out in English or in Japanese. If you speak a language other than these two, please come together with a friend who can speak Japanese.

We will together work out solutions to your problem. All consultations are strictly confidential.

毎月第 2 日曜日

Date: Second Sunday every month
Time: 13:00 – 17:00
Venue: Waseda Hoshien Student Cristian Center Seminar house [Nishi-Waseda 2-3-1, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo]

7月13日( 日 )の相談会のテーマ
仕事中にケガをしたのにほったらかし! そんなトラブルからあなたと家族を守るには?


The ways how to protect you from workplace problems
We might have problems at workplace, for examples,
・Suddenly being fired
・Being unpaid (an employer does not pay or stops paying you)
・Not allowed to take break during working hours or day off from work
・An employer does not do anything even though I reported I was injured at work

Let’s learn Japanese workplace culture, systems and laws with some work related problem examples to get you have better understanding of Japanese working conditions.

8月の募集は、ひとり親家族や、18歳未満のお子さんが 3人以上いて所得が低いご家族、日常に車椅子を使う必要のある高齢者、障がい者のご家族により有利な内容です。

Metropolitan public housing application is open from the beginning of August, Housing priority this time is given to those who…
・are single parents
・have more than 3 children under ages of 18 years old and are on low income
・are elderly and need a wheel chair for everyday life
・there is a member of family has disability or special needs

7月10日も、小林先生が来てくださいます。お子さんの学習相談などがある人は 15時から 17時の間におこしください。
Need educational support for your children?
If you have any questions about children’s learning, please feel free to drop in! You can ask Teacher KOBAYASHI (Kobayashi sensei works with children with various background)! Available from 3pm ~ 5pm.